The Edgar Wood and Middleton THI has another project on the go under the watchful eye of conservation officer Sue Oakley… Edgar Wood’s Jubilee Fountain.
The actual drinking fountain disappeared a long time ago and is not proposed for reinstatement (too expensive!). Instead, the structure is being conserved and stabilised, which means removing the steps one by one using a massive crane! The work is being supervised by Jubb & Jubb conservation surveyors of Ribchester.
Greater Manchester BPT and the Edgar Wood Society undertook a study on the Jubilee Fountain and looked at how it might be restored, should the funds be found one day. See it HERE – (5th publication down). The fountain, staircase and exedra were designed in 1905 and can lay claim to be the first ever art deco structure.
Thanks to Friends of Jubilee Park for the photos and film!
(click to enlarge)